Saturday 22 October 2016

Crysis 3 free download Torrent

Crysis 3 free download Torrent

Crysis 3 is the fourth and final installment in the Crysis series. It was released on February 19th, 2013 in North America, and February 21st in Europe. It was made using CryENGINE 3 and published by Electronic Arts

After the events of Crysis 2, Prophet’s personality, stored in his Nanosuit, assimilates and takes control overAlcatraz‘s body. Joining with Psycho and a team of elite Nanosuit soldiers, he travels around the world looking for the Alpha Ceph from the knowledge he gained about Ceph existence during the events atLingshan. One by one his team loses interest in the hunt believing that all Ceph are destroyed, untilProphet and Psycho finally trace the Alpha Ceph in Siberia, Russia, only to be disabled by CELL using K-Volts. CELL, now in search for globaldomination of land and technology, betrays all the remaining Nanosuit soldiers and starts skinning their bodies out from their suits so as to recover the lost alien technology. Everyone involved in the Nanosuit program were either recruited or detained by CELL, including Scientists Nathan Gould and Claire Fontanelli. CELL runs out of Nanosuit soldiers to skin for alien technology that integrated with their suits, so the transfer of Prophet to the facility was requested. Locked in a storage device with powerful EMP shocks to keep himdormant, Prophet is transported to the nanodome in New York by CELL.
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However, Karl Ernst Rasch comes to know about the corrupt intention of CELL and resigns from the post of CEO of Hargreave-Rasch Biotechnologies, deletes all the research done by him and Hargreave of Ceph Technology so as to stop CELL from acquiring it and secretly releases a brief video of Prophet’s where-abouts, also describing the post scenario after the invasion of New York and the evolution of Ceph, thus requesting the resistance to free Prophet as only he can stop the CELL and put an end to their corrupt motives and then joins the resistance. Members of the resistance, including former nanosuit soldiers Psycho, Lazy Dane and Bandit, are able to free Prophet from the transport ship, which has docked at the New York nanodome.
Psycho explains that in Prophet’s 20 year absence, CELL used Ceph technology to generate unlimited free energy. Eventually, CELL gained a monopoly over the power supply, and used it to drive everyone into debt. Those who could not pay were sent to “volunteer camps.” A resistance movement formed in response to this. It eventually freed Psycho from the skinning labs, and he joined their ranks.Tara Strickland from Crysis 2 also helps the resistance politically as a senator, but is unable to do much due to CELL’s political dominance. The source of CELL’s power generation for the entire world, called System X, is also located in the abandoned and encased New York, which has grown into a jungle. Psycho wants System X destroyed to free the world from CELL. Prophet, though worried about his visions of the Alpha Ceph showing him the end of the world, agrees.
Psycho and Prophet enter the dome, fighting through CELL forces and feral Ceph Stalkers. They reach the resistance headquarters, where they meet Karl Ernst Rasch and Claire Fontanelli, the commander of the resistance. Rasch tries to convince her that Prophet is what the resistance needs to finally overthrow CELL. Despite affirmations from Psycho, with whom she seems to have a special relationship, Claire is skeptical of Prophet, ostensibly because of the extensive modifications, the integration of Ceph genetic material, and the deep integration with his suit. Grudgingly, she eventually agrees.
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